Foot Care

The intricate workings of the various bones, muscles, and ligaments of your feet, ankles, and lower leg make this section of your body susceptible to injury, disease, and other conditions. However, with proper preventative care, you can take an active role in protecting your feet, ankles, and lower legs.
Education is the key to maintaining good podiatric health. By understanding your specific foot care needs, including the best way to exercise your feet, ankles, and legs, you can reduce the chance of injury.
The following information is provided to help you be better informed and proactive in improving your podiatric health.

Exercise Tips

Exercise can lead to improved overall health. From reducing the chance of heart disease and stroke to decreasing stress, exercise can help all facets of your physical and mental health. Proper exercising techniques can also reduce pain in your feet and legs. Before you start a new exercise regimen, you should consult your doctor. Also, if you injure yourself while exercising, contact your doctor for treatment. Click the links below to learn more about keeping your feet healthy through exercise.

Foot Care by Group

There are some foot care tips and recommendations that are helpful for everyone. However, some specific groups of people tend to have generalized sets of foot problems. You should follow the foot care tips and recommendations that meet your needs and lifestyle. If you suffer from foot pain or a specific podiatric condition, be sure to speak with your doctor to determine the best treatment for you. Click the links below to learn more about proper foot care based on your needs.

Important Foot Care Information

Your feet can be affected by various conditions that cause pain or discomfort. Many of these conditions can be treated with home remedies, but some need medical treatment by your doctor. Take an active role in your foot health by learning more about the following conditions, how you should treat them, and how you can prevent problems with your feet. If you are unable to self-treat a foot condition or if the problem worsens, be sure to visit your doctor for treatment.

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