Through the years Owens Carolina has always sought to bring technological advances into our practice. Advances not just in the devices we create, but in the methods used to create them. It has always been necessary to make a model of the body part that needs to be replaced. The more accurate the patient mold is, the more accurate the fit of the final device. We can make the most advanced artificial limb available, but if the fit is poor, the function is poor.
Throughout the history of prosthetics and orthotics, images were drawn that were then converted into a 3D schematic to make the brace or limb. Owens Carolina made casts that were converted into models of the patient that were needed to fabricate the limb or brace. In the 1980’s, we began scanning the residual limb and carving the positive model image from a digital file. In 2014 Owens Carolina began developing our own scanning system that is the most advanced and accurate in the country. Our 3D O&P scanning software is amazing, and has been used by other Orthotist and Prosthetist in the US. Our software is now in it’s third generation.
Historically, there has always been an issue with all methods of image capture. Older methods could not capture the residual limb model at it’s most critical moment – when it is bearing weight and under load. The Symphonie Aqua System does just that.
The Symphonie Aqua System represents one of the latest advances in image capture. The Symphonie System compresses the soft tissue, and allows full weight bearing while the cast material is setting. This is achieved through a pressurized bladder that allows standing full weight bearing on the residual limb. One of the biggest adversaries throughout the years of prosthetics has been pressure on the end of the residual limb. Prosthetist have worked for over 100 years to reduce the pressure in this area, and have developed methods to transfer the weight from the distal tip to other areas of the residual limb. Many times this just resulted in pressure sores in other areas. The Symphonie System solves many of these issues because the casting method is so accurate.
This method is also very easy on the new amputee that cannot bear the thought of placing weight on their recent amputation. They discover that the Symphonie Aqua System allows full weight bearing while compressing the soft tissue, giving the prosthetist the mold required to make a great functional leg.